Progress and Planning

Brea is coming along nicely. The picture does not do the color justice at all. The color is a beautiful cross between burgundy and cranberry. I’m about 2/3 done with the back of the sweIMG_1049ater, and I still think this is the nicest yarn I have ever worked with. It’s soft and springy, and I can see it will be like wearing a hug when it’s finished.For all that it looks complicated, the yoke is a fairly simple four-row pattern repeat. I’ve done the armhole shaping, and am now working my way toward the shoulders.

This pattern has been a challenge for me in one way, however. Like most Americans, I use the Imperial system (inches and feet, etc). The pattern as written is in centimeters. When I ran the numbers through my online conversion website, the numbers it came up with were things like 12.6 inches for 40 centimeters. I decided to work this using the measurements as written. Fortunately, I do have a tape measure that has inches on once side and centimeters on the other, so I’m finding it easy to work this way.

I also saw a new sweater I want to make on Ravelry. It’s called Crete. It’s a slouchy men’s sweater in basketweave stitch and is done in linen yarn. I found the yarn on sale at Jimmy Beans Wool, so I grabbed it. I bought enough yarn to make the largest size, but with sizing down the length of the sleeves to fit my arms, I should have enough to make the second largest size instead.

So, it’s kinda late here, and I’m about to finish the row of Brea I’m working on then try to get some sleep. I have not been sleeping well lately, and it’s affecting everything from my blood pressure to my knitting gauge. So, I hope everyone has a great week and has some lovely knitting or crochet work to show at the end of it. (Beaded jewelry would be alright, too.)

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